In market since 2003

Delivery within whole Russia and CIS countries

Objects equipping on a turn-key basis

Warranty and service supporting

Design projects development

More than 20000 items

Shipment from warehouse and on order

Suppliers – Europe, Asia, US, Russia

Budget estimation for FF&E, OS&E equipment

Own production
Our partners

About our team
Our team «Balt Hospitality» Ltd has been working on the hotel and hospitality market since 2003 and practiced in design and complete equipping of 3 to 5 star hotels.
Our team consists of architects, design engineers, designers, logistics specialists, and purchasers with long experience in hotels building and equipping.
During more than 10-year service experience has been providing over 80 hotel projects. We are confident that our wide range experience will yield proven benefits as well as tangible financial profit to each client due to our cooperation.